Good Morning Calvary,

No link today, but a message from our pastor:

There will be no video today but I do want to address something that has come to my attention. 

It is a challenging and even confusing time in which we live.  Often, we do not know what or who to believe with the messages and signals that we receive from the media.  Medical professionals give us conflicting information as well.  Some say we need to wear masks in public and it is the only way to protect ourselves.  Others say masks are not the answer and are actually harmful, (especially when worn for an extended period of time because they prevent us from getting the oxygen that our bodies need).  Some want us to stay quarantined.  Others say we need to be out in public to build our immune systems.  Everything in our country has become so politicized.  When you express an opinion on COVID, or anything else, automatically half of the population disagrees.  What do we do?  How do we respond?  I do not pretend to have all the answers.  But we do know the one who does.

In Proverbs 3:5-8, it says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes:  Fear the Lord and depart from evil.  It will be health to your flesh and strength to your bones.”

It is still crucial that we be wise in distancing, when possible.  We need to especially be careful and considerate of those that we may endanger.  We need to stay away if we have symptoms or if we have compromised immune systems.  On Sundays we need to set examples of good actions that allow people to feel comfortable and safe.  It is certainly most difficult to “not touch” people we love.  At the same time, it is imperative that we not police each other.  When suggestions are made, you must ponder and pray upon them for yourself, considering both the if and when. 

The Word of God grips us and helps us stay our course in troubling times.  The Lord has promised to direct us and protect us.  We need to recognize that none of us has it all together.  So … we must not judge anyone else for how they deal with the issues at hand. 

We can trust that God is working in each one of us who belong to Him.  Even when times are not so difficult, all of us must take our concerns before the Lord and hear from Him.  This is what will hold the CCV Family together.  He sustains us when we have differences of opinion and perception.  Most of all God’s love and encouragement through us for one another will benefit us through this COVID journey.

The Spirit of truth will guide us into all truth. [John 16:13]  Our commitment is to be patient with one another as we are all seeking answers.  The Lord is faithful and will bring us through this.  May God be glorified. 

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