Jesus turned the water into wine because the servants did what He told them to.  (John 2:5-7)  He is always able to turn the common into something exceptional when we participate with him by doing as He says.  We have been given all things we need by His divine power for life and godliness and made to partake in His divine nature.  (2 Peter 1:3-4)

As you allow the Lamb of God to lead you this week, let me ask you to consider these questions.

  1. What in your life has been common that He has made exceptional?
  2. What in your life do you need to allow Him to make exceptional now?
  3. What are you giving God to work with?
  4. Are you “hanging out” with Jesus so He can do the exceptional in your life?

Have a blessed week by letting Him make it an exceptional one.


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