Here is a summary from yesterday’s message that will assist us in navigating through our worldwide crisis.  Remember:  a crisis is an opportunity for making profound decisions.

  1. Profound decisions begin with hearing from God.  His presence is always available to us.  Are you making yourself available to Him?  To others in need?  (NOTE: Roz and I are available by phone, text, email, and, in person for pastoral emergencies.  Never hesitate to contact us.)

  1. Acknowledge your real needs.  All of us need to encounter Christ to discover what our real needs are.  So be intentional in your pursuit of knowing Jesus better.  His presence is imperative during suspended activities in order to use our time wisely.

  1. Make sure to follow the Lord’s instructions.  As we encounter Him, expect to sense His will and walk in His ways.  God has given us a season to worship more passionately, pray more diligently, and be found in His Word more consistently.

  1. Recognize God’s greater purpose. Everything He brings us through has the purpose of revealing Himself in a deeper measure so that we can be transformed to embody the nature and character of Christ Jesus.  In God’s goodness and grace, let’s move from the normal to the excellent.

“Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name.  I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify Your name forever.  For great is Your love toward me; You have delivered me from the depths of the grave.” [Psalm 86:11-13]

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