From Pastor Steve’s Study

Sometimes the most important thing I have to say is simply to express my deepest appreciation for all of you who make Calvary Chapel Villages so special.  This morning all of our elders and deacons met together for two hours. We evaluated our current environment as a church body and how to address our needs for improvement and taking a new step up.  We are so blessed to have many committed and gifted leaders.  Not many churches have this kind of Godly leadership.

  This goes far beyond our designated elders and deacons.  We have so many faithful servants, both men and women, who freely and consistently give of themselves. Our summer months will have a special emphasis on discovering the gifts, hearts and places of service for so many of you who are new to CCV.  If there is anything on your heart as to suggestions on how we can improve, or how we can connect you into the right ministry God has for you, please let one or our elders, deacons, or me know.  All of us have a place in the Body of Christ.  Thank you for making us your church home.




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